Program Policies & Terms
Policies Updated on 08/09/2023
We strive to balance equitable refunds while still meeting Wonder Roots' financial obligations in offering in-person programming. Cancellation policies are based on our investment in staff, program planning, as well as materials purchases before your program. We cannot recover our expenses if you cancel. Short-notice cancellations often prevent others from attending. Our instructors design programming, gather materials, and commit themselves based on enrollment. By following through on your financial commitment you are supporting the work we do and valuing the time and labor of our staff in making our high-quality programming possible.
Please review the unique cancellation policy for the specific program you are registered for.
Payment Timeline–
Program Cancellation–
Please keep your child home if they have any of the following conditions:
Here are the guidelines we follow when a child appears ill:
Cancellation Policy:
Refer to the cancellation policy for details if you have to miss a program and session due to illness.
Colleen Christman
South Burlington Program Location:
95 Allen Rd. South Burlington, VT 05403
Hinesburg Program Location:
640 Texas Hill Rd. Hinesburg, VT 05461
- Cancelation & Refund Policy
- Health Policies & Procedures
- Program Contact Information
1. Cancellation and Refund Policy
(updated 8/9/2023)We strive to balance equitable refunds while still meeting Wonder Roots' financial obligations in offering in-person programming. Cancellation policies are based on our investment in staff, program planning, as well as materials purchases before your program. We cannot recover our expenses if you cancel. Short-notice cancellations often prevent others from attending. Our instructors design programming, gather materials, and commit themselves based on enrollment. By following through on your financial commitment you are supporting the work we do and valuing the time and labor of our staff in making our high-quality programming possible.
Please review the unique cancellation policy for the specific program you are registered for.
Weather or Staff Related Cancellations
- If Wonder Roots has to cancel a program or service day due to weather conditions or staffing, Wonder Roots will either re-schedule the program/service day or offer a program credit equivalent to the program/service daily amount paid. The program credit will be good for 12 months from the program date that was canceled.
Low Enrollment Cancellations
- If Wonder Roots has to cancel a program due to low enrollment, Wonder Roots will either re-schedule the program/service day, offer a program credit equivalent to the program/service amount paid, or offer a full refund paid via check or online payment. The program credit will be good for 12 months from the program date that was canceled.
School Year & Semester Programs:
Forest Playgroup, Woodland AdventuresPayment Timeline–
- Tuition is calculated by school-year or by semester and divided accordingly into monthly installments for ease of payment purposes. Monthly installments do not necessarily reflect the number of lessons each month.
- The first month's tuition is processed upon enrollment. After submitting your program registration, you will need to login to the customer portal to complete initial payment. Subsequent monthly tuition payments are processed via automatic debit from your credit card, checking or savings account. Payment is withdrawn on the 1st of the month while programs are in session beginning October until May, (with a pause in payments January/February).
Program Cancellation–
- Processed payments for programs are non-refundable.
- We must receive 45 days notice of cancellation in writing to withdraw from the program. We make yearly commitments to our teachers and changes in enrollment put their jobs at risk. If you need to withdraw your student, please email with your request.
Week-Long Programs and Short-session Classes:
TimberNook Summer Camps, Homeschool Enrichment (2-8 session days)- Full payment is required upon registration
- All registration payments within 3 weeks of the program start date are non-refundable.
- Cancellation requests made over 3 weeks in advance of the program start date are eligible for a 50% refund or a 75% program credit that expires 12 months from the program start date.
- You can transfer your program registration to a friend at any time. You are responsible for any and all financial transactions. You are responsible for notifying Wonder Roots of the change. Your friend is required to fill out the waiver form in advance of the program.
SINGLE-DAY Programs or Events:
- Full payment is required upon registration
- All registration payments are non-refundable.
- No refunds or program credits will be issued. If your plans have changed for any reason (schedule, illness, interest), you may transfer your registration to a friend. You are responsible for any and all financial transactions. You are responsible for notifying Wonder Roots of the change. Your friend is required to fill out the waiver form in advance for the program.
2. Health Policies & Procedures
Please conduct a daily health check for your child(ren) prior to attending any program or service. This is done for the safety of your child and also for the other children in the program. Please also report any communicable disease or condition (i.e., COVID, conjunctivitis, head lice, chickenpox, etc.) to Wonder Roots so that we can alert other parents (if needed).Please keep your child home if they have any of the following conditions:
- Fever of 100+: (Must be fever free for 24 hours before returning)
- Diarrhea: More than one loose stool within a 24-hour period
- Vomiting: Vomited in the past 24-hours
- Hand Foot Mouth Disease: Children with drooling or runny nose and present mouth sores
- Coughing with a runny nose and green mucus
- Rashes: (un-identifiable or non-typical rash)
- Pink-eye (conjunctivitis): Redness of eyelid, swelling and/or discharge
- Change of color of skin or eyes (may be signs of hepatitis)
- Lice or scabies: For head lice, children and staff may return after treatment and no nits; for scabies, return after treatment.
- Your child is diagnosed with Covid-19 or awaiting test results
Here are the guidelines we follow when a child appears ill:
- If a child arrives and exhibits possible symptoms of an illness, we will move the child away from others and have them sit or lie down quietly and rest. If a child continues to feel ill, we will call the parents. If parents cannot be reached, the emergency contact will be called to pick the child up.
- When a child exhibits symptoms of illness on site, the Wonder Roots team will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and shared materials to minimize exposure to other children.
Understanding of Risk
COVID-19 along with other viruses and illnesses are easily transmitted and do spread within our community. Participants, families and staff understand that there is a potential risk of illness exposure in attending community programs such as ours and do so under their own free will and with understanding of the following policies and procedures. Wonder Roots LLC, TimberNook of Greater Burlington, their staff or program site owners are not able to guarantee an environment free of COVID-19 or any other viruses, sickness or disease.Cancellation Policy:
Refer to the cancellation policy for details if you have to miss a program and session due to illness.
3. Program Contact Information:
For inquiries, contact:Colleen Christman
- Phone: 802.489.0410 (office phone)
716.912.3876 (mobile, on-site number) - Email:
- Business Mailing Address: 640 Texas Hill Rd. Hinesburg, VT 05461
South Burlington Program Location:
95 Allen Rd. South Burlington, VT 05403
Hinesburg Program Location:
640 Texas Hill Rd. Hinesburg, VT 05461